0.0 90 minHD The Legend of the Nanhai Mermaid (2020) Fantasy, China 2020-05-10Xiao-Hui Ma Trailer Tonton
5,8 83 minHD Shadow in the Cloud (2020) Action, Horror, War, New Zealand, United States 2020-12-31Hamish Gough, Laura Miles, Olivier Campana, Roseanne Liang, Sophie Calver, Tom Hern Trailer Tonton
6,1 95 minHD Psycho Goreman (2020) Comedy, Horror, Science Fiction, Canada 2020-10-29Steven Kostanski Trailer Tonton
6,6 107 minHD The Way Back (2020) Drama, United States, Canada 2020-03-05Gavin O'Connor, Jamie Marshall, Kevin Lum, Steve Gehrke Trailer Tonton
7,2 132 minHD Steel Rain 2: Summit (2020) Action, Thriller, War, South Korea 2020-07-29Yang Woo-seok Trailer Tonton
6,0 114 minHD Royals’ Revenge (2020) Action, Drama, Western, United States 2020-10-23Christopher Sheffield, Kellen Garner Trailer Tonton
7,8 136 minHD Silver Skates (2020) Adventure, Drama, Family, History, Romance, Russia 2020-12-10Mikhail Lokshin Tonton
5.9 87 minHD Into the Deep: The Submarine Murder Case (2020) Crime, Documentary, Denmark 2020-01-23Emma Sullivan Trailer Tonton
6.2 87 minHD The Other Side (2020) Horror, Mystery, Thriller, Sweden 2020-10-23Oskar Mellander, Tord Danielsson Trailer Tonton
6.8 110 minHD Bloodshot (2020) Action, Science Fiction, United States 2020-03-05Andre Weavind, Ashley Aldworth, Cameron Hadlow, Dave Wilson, Elelwani Netshifhire, Isabel Martens, J.J. Perry, Nadia Brand, Steve DeCastro, Vincent Lascoumes Trailer Tonton
6.6 104 minHD Mortal (2020) Action, Fantasy, Thriller, Norway, United Kingdom, United States 2020-02-28André Øvredal, Ingrid Wiese, Marcia Gay, Samuel Kirby Trailer Tonton
6.9 95 minHD Endless (2020) Drama, Fantasy, Romance, United States 2020-04-09Scott Speer Trailer Tonton
4,9 88 minHD Fat Ass Zombies (2020) Comedy, Horror, United States 2020-02-18George J. Bennett Trailer Tonton
8,5 98 minHD Josee, the Tiger and the Fish (2020) Animation, Drama, Romance, Japan 2020-12-25Kenjirou Okada, Kotaro Tamura, Takashi Yasui, Tetsuya Miyanishi, Tsuyoshi Tobita Trailer Tonton